It provides a WebSocket-like API but with additional features to handle fallback mechanisms for older browsers that do not support WebSocket directly.
I hear you — but how does a WebSocket work?
And just in case you are wondering how HTTP works, read this piece first.
How WebSocket works?
WebSocket is a communication protocol that provides full-duplex, bidirectional communication between a client (typically a web browser) and a server over a single, long-lived connection.
Unlike traditional HTTP requests that are stateless and require a new connection for each request, WebSocket allows a persistent connection to be established, enabling real-time, interactive communication.
Steps involved in WebSocket-based communications include:
Handshake: The WebSocket connection begins with an HTTP-based handshake. The client sends an HTTP request to the server, indicating its intention to upgrade the connection to WebSocket. This request includes a special header called “Upgrade” with the value “websocket” and a “Sec-WebSocket-Key” header that contains a randomly generated key.
Server response: Upon receiving the client’s upgrade request, the server evaluates the request and, if WebSocket is supported, responds with an HTTP 101 status code. The server includes a “Upgrade” header with the value “websocket” and a “Sec-WebSocket-Accept” header, which is a response to the client’s key to confirm the upgrade.
Connection established: After the handshake is complete, the connection is upgraded to WebSocket. Both the client and server can now send and receive data over the WebSocket connection. The connection remains open until either the client or the server decides to close it.
Data exchange: With the WebSocket connection established, the client and server can send and receive messages to each other using a simple and efficient frame-based protocol. Messages are framed with a specific format that includes a header and payload. The header contains information such as message type, length, and masking. The payload contains the actual data being transmitted.
Event-driven communication: WebSocket is event-driven, meaning that both the client and server can send and receive events or messages. They can emit events or listen to specific events. When an event is received, the recipient can take appropriate actions, such as updating the user interface, broadcasting the event to other connected clients, or performing any required processing.
Close connection: Either the client or the server can initiate the closure of the WebSocket connection by sending a special close frame. This allows a graceful termination of the connection, allowing any necessary cleanup or notification of other clients.
WebSocket provides a reliable, efficient, and low-latency communication channel, making it ideal for applications that require real-time, interactive features. It eliminates the need for repeated HTTP requests and reduces the overhead of establishing new connections for each interaction, resulting in improved performance and reduced network latency.
WebSocket, like HTTP, is considered an application layer protocol.
Back to Socket.IO
Here are some key features of Socket.IO:
Real-time communication: Socket.IO allows real-time, event-based communication between the server and connected clients. It establishes a persistent connection between the client and the server, enabling instant data transfer and real-time updates.
WebSocket support: Socket.IO utilizes the WebSocket protocol when available in the client’s browser. WebSocket provides full-duplex communication channels, allowing data to flow in both directions simultaneously.
Fallback mechanisms: Socket.IO includes built-in fallback mechanisms to support older browsers that do not have native WebSocket support. It uses techniques such as long polling or Flash-based sockets as fallback options, ensuring compatibility across various browser versions.
Event-driven architecture: Socket.IO follows an event-driven architecture, where the server and clients can emit and listen to events. Events can be defined and customized to suit the specific requirements of the application.
Rooms and namespaces: Socket.IO introduces the concepts of rooms and namespaces to organize and manage communication channels. Rooms allow clients to join and leave specific groups to receive targeted messages, while namespaces provide a way to segregate events and manage multiple communication channels within a single server instance.
Bi-directional data transfer: Socket.IO enables both the server and clients to send and receive data. This bidirectional data transfer allows real-time updates, chat applications, collaborative editing, live dashboards, multiplayer games, and more.
Socket.IO is widely used in applications that require real-time communication, such as chat applications, collaborative tools, real-time analytics, and live streaming.
It provides an abstraction over WebSocket and other fallback mechanisms, making it easier for developers to build real-time applications that work across different browsers and devices.
Data from the internet shows that companies like Microsoft, Trello, Hootsuite, Zendesk, among others have used Socket.IO for various applications.
For documentation and more updates on Socket.IO, check their website —